🇩🇪 Germany
With us
1 month
Studio Name
Danys kleine Fotogalerie
I am Dany!
I am a passionate photographer and part-time employee, mother and wife. We live on our parents' farm in Rhede, where my husband and our children grew up.
my studio,
I warmly welcome my customers to my small and cozy photo studio. But the beauty of nature often serves as a backdrop for my photographs. Taking photos of the same thing over and over again bores me a lot. I love experiencing variety through my work and taking on new challenges.
gut feeling,
whether it's newborns, pregnant women, boudoir or weddings - I follow my gut feeling and like to be inspired by new ideas. Through workshops and training courses, I constantly expand my skills and bring a breath of fresh air into my work.
For me and especially for my customers, it is important to me to create unique images together.
There is a beautiful saying that I have taken very much to heart:
“Photography is like writing with light. How to make music with colors. Like painting with time and seeing with love.” I would like to share this love of photography.
Kind regards,
Winning photos
FĂĽr mich geht es bei einem Babybauch-Shooting weit ĂĽber das bloĂźe Fotografieren hinaus. Mein Ziel ist es, nicht nur Bilder zu machen, sondern die Magie dieser besonderen Zeit einzufangen und fĂĽr immer als unvergessliche Erinnerungen zu bewahren.
101st CollectionEin Neugeborenenshooting ist eine ganz besondere Art, die Magie der ersten Lebenstage festzuhalten – eine Zeit, die so vergänglich und kostbar ist. Ein Baby ist in diesen Momenten so zart, unschuldig und von einer unglaublichen Reinheit umgeben. Jedes winzige Detail, vom flaumigen Haar bis zu den kleinen, perfekten Fingerchen, erzählt eine Geschichte voller Liebe und neuer Anfänge.
101st Collection