Seventeenth Collection

Tree of life <3
Beautiful little girl wrapped up in love - and flowers :)

Baby Kali came to her first cake smash session about a month ago. She loved all her session decorations and the cake! She also had a fun bubble bath right after the smash!

Hier grote zus Senna die haar kleine zusje wil showen.
Milla ligt heerlijk te slapen terwijl Senna met haar gaat wandelen naar de snoepwinkel.
Toch zalig om te zien he die kleine kids

Snugglepot and Cuddlepie sharing a basket together. And a giggle! The bobble bonnets inspired me and made me fall in love with the simplistic styling for this session.
Jade Xx

These two di-di twins gave me the best snuggles in my studio. Mom and Dad had them tested to find out if they are identical, and yes, they are! These girls are also a sweet answer to prayer as rainbow babies after Mom lost her first pregnancy a year earlier. I absolutely love working with multiples, even if it's twice the work!

Un beau souvenir de mon passage sur Dubaï. La rencontre de cette magnifique future maman et notre périple dans le désert pour réaliser cette séance.

Hallo my name is Swenja and I'm a babyphotographer from Germany. I love my to work with babies. I'm so proud to winning a baby photo award. Thank you so much

How handsome is this little guy?! Oh my goodness! Baby Mateo is just 8 days old in these photos, and he was just the most smiley and fun little guy throughout his whole session. He was so easy to pose, even on the moon!

Here Mia in the lavender fields in the month of July at GOLDEN HOUR I love the light in this photo and the shyness of Mia this little so natural

Baby in the arms of his mother... The most secure, gentle place in this world...
This picture was taken at the end of the session. The baby was peaceful and we wanted a beautiful black and white photo. But not just a portrait. We wanted a timeless photo... We did it !

His mother was making him learn to step a walk and suddenly we captured the moment.
these moments are very memorable so i made it.

Perfect light for this adorable little girl's first birthday celebration! I love her curiosity in her surroundings over me and my camera.

Getting to ‘hang out’ with Santa during our Christmas sessions is what I love about capturing gorgeous memories like this one. These two cheeky sisters were having loads of fun poking their tongues out, giggling, trying to tickle Santa and even mimicking him! Santa was warning them that they might be close to making it on the naughty list! ;-)

This was the first time i used flowers & basket in my newborn sessions and i am excited about the result. My model was the grand daughter of a very well known politician in India and it was pleasure working with this family.

This little beauty was only two months old when we did her first photo shoot. The plan was to create a gorgeous milk bath session, which we did, but before that I felt it would be so lovely to pose with some of the flowers. The dress that mum is wearing in the shot is actually my own - something I once wore to a friend's wedding. Yet as I was packing for the shoot, I realised it perfectly matched the tutu I had prepared for her little girl :)

Photo was taken for his 1 year birthday. The family loves fishing and so they wanted to incorporate a fish in the photo. Knowing how hard it is to try and find a trained gold fish, I decided to photoshop one in for the family. His reaction is just perfect for the shot.

This little beauty was the first session I did in the natural light bedroom of my brand new commercial studio! I have been photographing this family since her big sister was in her mommy's tummy!

Lieve kleine Skye samen met haar papa.
Papa doet aan boksen en wilde graag zo'n foto waar je dat op kon zien.
Omdat Skye een meisje was vond ik dat best moeilijk om iets te verzinnen , maar uiteindelijk is het
resultaat toch wel heel gaaf geworden

Sweet baby Lauren came to visit my studio the other day. At 11 days old she is a dream, sleeping the whole time for me, and is just a chunk of pure love! Lauren’s mother contacted me looking for newborn photography in the Denver area. She knows that her little babe won’t be this little for much longer. I love it when clients put a value on cherishing memories and will drive into town for their photo sessions, most of all for newborns! And she’s right – Lauren will never be that little again, and I am honored to capture those precious cheeks for her.

Une jolie petite demoiselle... J'ai les séances nouveau-né et pouvoir capturer ces tous premiers moments de vie. Créer de jolis souvenirs pour elle, pour sa famille :)

Oh! THis mommy is just absolutely gorgeous, isn’t she?! Cuddling right in the crevasse of his mommy’s neck and laying against the soft, white, fluffy blanket, Mateo is too sweet, and you can just feel the strong amount of love these two have for each other. So so lovely!

he was so cute baby. so suddenly the new concept has came in my mind & i created the new concept to hang the cutie pie
many kids come to in my studio but he was different.

I meet Slokh on the 14th day after birth. This is my 2nd session with the amazing family. I was eagerly waiting for this day after the maternity session and it was always amazing to meet the newborn after the maternity session.