Twenty-Fourth Collection

Should I smile? No, I do not want, I will frown, I am too small to be shot.
A small baby, who did not sleep fot a longer time.

Spring baby is on the way! This beautiful mom came to Kimi Photography to capture her maternity portrait. A week before I got an award from Baby Photo Awards for this image, I got notification that her baby girl is born! We are so excited to meet and photograph the baby with her family.

One day they'll look at this photo and wonder how she was ever this small. Baby Olivia came to me at 15 days old and was a dream to photograph. She gave me smiles and looked darling in her floral wraps. There's no better way to bring in Spring!

Hallo ich i'm a baby photographer and I'm very proud to show you my work. I'm a baby photographer now 5 years long and I'm very happy to do that.

Mom and Dad are huge comic book fans, and Dad's favorite is Batman. So I promised Mom I would surprise her husband with something really special for his office. Guarantee no other Dad is going to have baby Batman on their wall.

This is one of those images that just kind of 'happened'
I'm a huge lover of colour, and love my clients to have a huge input with colours and style during sessions.
Finley's mother spotted this orange wrap in my studio and fell in love with the colour, so as the session when on, this is what I decided to do with it, so much colour, so much fun and beautiful baby Finley!

It was a huge pleasure and I felt truly honored to photograph this brave mother and her child in this intimate situation. I'm really looking up to women like her, who are strong enough to show the world, that motherly love can move mountains. And no matter what kind of barriers or challenges you're facing: As a mother you will always try to succed, to move on and give your very best for the sake of your beloved children. Even when you're feeling completely alone on the road.
Breastfeeding in public is still a controversial topic which I try to support with my pictures. I always want to show the beauty that lies within each breastfeeding situation. And capture precious moments between mother and child to become a memory forever.

I love how there is so much connection in this image between the mother, father, son and daughter. It gives off such a relaxed sense of feeling and is so perfectly composed!

8 Days new Sebastian ! Perfect little model , with gorgeous hair ! The day of his session it was so warm outside , I was convinced it was spring , but no !! The next day we got snow ( thats why its we call our city WinterPeg) . Spring - we are ready for you !!!

Just 5 month old and such a perfect little cutie! This beautiful girl had a lot of fun at her shooting and she loved sitting in this bucket, although she couldn't sit by herself. And look at those big teddybear eyes!

Harly was a very relaxed and easy going baby at only 2 weeks new. I had the pleasure of also doing her Mommy's Maternity photos and that made it all the more exciting to meet Harly when she arrived into this world.

She styled her hair all by herself ;-) 5 years and did her haircut alone. So i had to take a perfectly matching image of her, which shows her tough, plain and loving soul.

The parents of this little girl asked me to prepare something in green and purple. This picture immediately comes to my mind. It was so easy to realize it because this baby was absolutely easy to handle and relaxed. Somebody told me she looks like a little mulberry. I loved to photograph her and hope to see her again soon.

Such a delicate background to photograph, since the blooms only last a couple of days. The most perfect background to show the bond between brother and sister!

โYour back was built to carry your son through life. Are you willing to hold him up no matter what comes his way?โ -This is Us

Here is Agnieszka, she is only 12 days old. When I took this picture I wanted to show her beauty in the first days of her life in the most natural and minimalistic way. From the first moment I knew that this session will be extraordinary. I was using only natural light to get beautiful natural lights and shadows. It is a pleasure and honor to share this picture with you.

Sometimes the bucket loses are really hard to get. But then when you get them they can be the best pictures ever. I call this images "just hanging with my bear in a bucket".

This precious little man was the sweetest, chubby 4kg bundle of newborn baby goodness! With porcelain skin, a tinge of red in his hair, and the best little snuggles, he was an absolute dream to photograph.

A pea in the pod. This beautiful baby boy was awake through his session but content and just mesmerized by the light streaming through the window.

When this sweet girl showed up in this precious outfit, I just knew my vintage rocking horse was the perfect addition to her One Year Session, on the farm. The tones of the overcast sky, and sweeping hayfield, definitely made the ultimate setting!

My dear friend is a strong amazing woman and mother. As a breast cancer survivor she never gave up on the chance to have another baby. She fought for her life and now she has this amazing little boy. A symbol that life is to be cherished and that every day is filled with possibilities.

This was my first breastfeeding session at my studio and I really loved it! The beautiful mommy and her little cute babygirl (with the best hair I've ever seen) were so relaxed and enjoyed the time in front of the camera. This moment is one of my favorites!

How can you not help but smile when you see this sweet little guys face? That smile, those eyes...such a delight to photograph!