Fifty-Sixth Collection
Pure, innocence, simplicity, a clild brings light, love, smiles and happiness to our life. A real Blessing to have all this beautiful feeling when we see them and hug them. Times pass to fast and they grow each day, but this memories will last forever. Family is Everything.
J'aime l'été, ses couchers de soleil, le vintage et les enfants qui courent dans les champs de blé. Tout dans cette photo me rend heureuse et plus que ce fût un très beau moment avec une amie.
I love summer, its sunsets, vintage, and children running in the wheat fields. Everything in this photo makes me happy and more than that it was a very beautiful moment with a friend.
Mommy calls her little tiny girl Thumbelina. That was because she was no bigger than the woman's thumb. Mommy likes watching her play on the table, such as walking on a big fork, like crossing a single-log bridge.
In the house that belonged to the grandfather! Records with history! A story that later will be so good to remember! And this is such a record!!!
Beautiful Andra. She came for her maternity session, she felt so comfortable with her pregnant body. You can easily recognize how much she loves being pregnant. I had just a wonderful time with her.
" la feuille d'argent " une future maman totalement nue mais en même temps complètement habillée par cette dorure argent ❤️
Oh my god, those two were just fantastic! This beautiful sister was so sweet for her little baby brother and just wanted to take a lot of pictures with him (and without). The way to let her smile was just Wonderful, all we need to say was "My Daddy is a stinky" and even the little baby boy was smiling (good luck of course but what a coincidence).
Mes jumelles et la magie de Noël. Après une séance photos complète aux sapins, tout juste avant de partir alors que tout mon matériel était rangé, ma fille court vers ce sapin et s'exclame "Regarde maman, il est magique!". En voyant le portrait, j'ai repris mon appareil pour une dernière photo et voilà magie!
My twins and the magic of Christmas. After a full photoshoot at the Christmas trees, just before leaving while all my equipment was put away, my daughter runs to the tree and exclaims "Look at mom, it's magic!". Seeing the portrait, I took my camera back for one last photo and that's magic!