Forty-Eighth Collection

This photo I took during our summer vacations with my kids Daniel and Aurora. Aurora adores her brother. For her he is the role model.

Double blessings, double happiness. Mom and Dad don't know that they have twins heritage in their genetics until they discovered these two bundles of joys in Mom's tummy on ultrasound. They are one month old in this photoshoot.

When Mayer told me that she wanted me to take his photos, she sent me several references, among them there was a photo similar to this one, we made it our way and it couldn't be more beautiful.
In this photo I went up to a second floor and we mixed natural light with flash.

With this photo, I want to take you back in time. Just look at this picture and imagine you are 150 years back from now. I really wanted to create a "Dutch old master" feeling. The boy (my beautiful son) on the photo just loved to get dressed up like this and called himself "professor" and was fully in his role, amazing!

Would you believe this gorgeous momma was expecting twins?!
I did a composite and lots of Photoshop to create the flowing train behind her.
I was very happy with the result, it was well worth the extra work.

This gorgeous image of a beautiful 10-day old baby girl will be printed BIG and will be hanging in her nursery - that is HOW MUCH her parents loved this shot and the nursery is decorated in a bunny/rabbit theme - so this will be an amazing addition. I am an on-location photographer and always bring with me a few little plush toys to photograph with my newborn clients. As soon as I have realized that her nursery is decorated with bunnies and Easter is around the corner - this set up was created!

Sweet little easter bunny ...
In this crazy corona time a small bright spot. Furthermore, almost all the shoots are stopped. Hope to be able to photograph more lovely beautiful children again soon.

Hello! how glad I am to be with you again! tadammmm, wow! there are two little sisters in this photo. How lovely to look at these two little faces! It is a miracle when a new baby appears!

" Everyone wants to be someone's sun to light up someone's life, but why not be someone's moon to brighten in the darkest hour." ~Unknown
With the world literally being flipped upside down right now, we all need to come together to shine the light on these dark days.

She was 32 weeks pregnant when I did her maternity photographs. “A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside… when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.”

Potato snack poses with this beautiful baby boy in these lovely dark green in love with this pose and colors. The picture was taken in my new home studio!

Enzo is a laughing and very happy boy. I keep records of this little boy since his mother was pregnant. We took these photos to record your second birthday.
How proud is the little fur nose of the baby!
She assisted me with the whole photoshoot and took care of the little one. So lovely photos were taken.
If a family, then completely. I love to include four-legged family members in my photos.

Looking at this picture my first thought is - mother's love... unconditional and never-ending...
I am so happy to meet this wonderful family. These three amazing girls are so cute, so festive, so hilarious.
I have had several photoshoots with this amazing family. Every time spent with this family is unique.
That’s why I love my job so much - it’s an opportunity to meet amazing people.

The stunning peach blossom and Purim holiday were a perfect opportunity to take this picture of the sweetest Bambi ❤ Elinor ❤

When this little girl firstly came into my studio, she definitely caught my eyes straight away. I didn’t need to guide her too much about the posing but she’s done what I wanted. She’s such a pretty little girl with the most beautiful nature.

When you take a picture of someone, you are taking a snapshot of their energy. Sister and brother: - How adorable they are!
Looking at this picture, I'm feeling so peaceful.

Another session during the coronavirus,
Distance from home - 100 meters only.
We found a magical corner with lots of yellow flowers, made sure to bring a picnic with us and made a delicious meal there,
Of course, I did not give up amazing moments of photography for my girls!

A little moment of love in the woods between two-year-old twins.
So sweet.A little moment of love in the woods between two-year-old twins.
So sweet.

The infinite joy on Hugo's face, he loved his bath milk to celebrate his birthday! We cannot be more proud of our boys and girls who have a great time.

This photo of the amazing Valeria was taken in a vintage apartment in Jaffa during a workshop.
This girl is super professional' she knows the camera well and she knows how to work with photographers
so all of those factors made my job very easy.

Little Cooper was the perfect subject, he happily slept through the whole shoot which made capturing this image really easy. I love the way the grey wrap follows the shape he makes and cocoons him in.

She was a little beautiful who I shot along with her mom when they were at my studio during her mom's second pregnancy shoot. I wanted to replicate all the shots planned for her mom and one of which is this .! She was holding the pose for really long even after the shoot was taken, even after telling her to relax, probably she loved that pose.. turned out to be my most favorite shot from the series!

I am a passionate photographer with a great interest in portrait photography. My aim is to capture beautiful memories for my clients that they will treasure forever. All my photos are taken in an easy style environment with minimum equipment possible.

I have taken Shirel and little Arieli several times already .. and they come back to me every year. This year we wanted to create something different and special.
In this picture we enjoyed the beautiful almond blossom .. which blooms exactly for a few weeks
F 1/4, 105 sigma Art

Petit bout de 7 jours, qui m'a fait l'honneur de venir à mon studio, un petit ange endormi dans ce lit improvisé avec cette jolie laine bleue, blottissant contre lui un doudou. Une image tout en douceur est pleine d'amour pour ce petit bout. Ce petit bonhomme a fait craquer tout le monde

Anabel likes to play with rocks, soccer balls, and boys. As soon as she saw the dress she was excited to became a "girl" :)
So we got into the forest and play with rocks, talked about soccer, and made the magic happened.
Adorable boy and girl twins got all snuggled up and swaddled like adorable baby birds in a nest in this natural-looking outdoorsy sweet set-up. Mom and dad are newcomers to Calgary, Alberta, and love the rustic nature of the outdoors. I was so happy to create this unique gift they can treasure for generations of their beautiful twin newborns.