Claudia Gehring




🇦🇹 Austria

With us

5 years

Studio Name

Claudia Gehring Fotografie

Hello! I have been a passionate baby photographer for almost 10 years. I've been taking photos all my life. Photography has always fascinated me. It makes me happy and proud that my work is so appreciated by my dear customers. I am a mother of two adorable children and married to the best man in the world.

Winning photos

You can feel the anticipation of both of them for their little miracle.

99th Collection

Be your own work of art.

98th Collection

So much love and blooming colorful flowers in one picture.

98th Collection

Such a pretty Baby.

97th Collection

Sibling love.

95th Collection

Easter shooting with an adorable little girl

94th Collection

sibling love

94th Collection

This cat surprised us during the shoot at the lake and the little girl was very happy about it.

92nd Collection

This pretty little lady enchanted me.

91st Collection

I love this autumnal lighting atmosphere in the picture.

90th Collection

My little niece. I am a proud aunt of this sweet mouse. It was such a fun shoot.

89th Collection

Beautiful play of light.

89th Collection

A perfect little miracle.

89th Collection

Little flower girl

89th Collection

So proud of my little girl.

88th Collection

Such a beautiful baby.

88th Collection

So much love in one picture.

87th Collection

When love becomes life

87th Collection

Such an enchanting picture. It radiates so much love for the child. A child needs the love and security of a mother. It's a wonderful feeling when you can capture those moments.

86th Collection

So nice when customers bring their animals to the shoot. After all, they're part of the family. I love this picture.

86th Collection