Thirty-Sixth Collection

After trying for their second child, Justin and Lauren tragically suffered a miscarriage leaving them both feeling the unimaginable pain of emptiness. They so much wanted a sibling for their son Kelson and courageously tried for a third. Bryce Charles was born April 14th within his own home and mom, dad, and Kelson could not be more in love. The rainbow signifies the beauty that follows the storm and reminds us that there is always a reason to keep going.

This little boy celebrates his first birthday with a Jungle themed Cake Smash. I absolutely love to create unique cake smash decors en to see this cute little faces.

Small Daniel and his first toy during our newborn session. He was so cute and good, we made together lots of snaps for his parents.

I met this beautiful Mama when we were both pregnant with our first child, going to birth preparation lessons :) We gave birth just a few weeks apart.
Then, we were pregnant with our second child again at the same time :) (with no planning ahead)
Here, M, my beautiful friend is carrying her 3rd child, I can't tell you how excited I was taking this photo for her 3>

Spring is an explosion of colors and flowers. One of the first flowers of spring is wisteria, a woman's first true love is her son.

The mini easter sessions are very funny with the little rabbit children adores them. The little princesses are always beautiful!!

Another wonderful breastfeeding moment in my studio: This cute girl was the funniest little client I had in a breastfeeding-shooting so far. She was interacting with me and the camera all the time. I immediately fell in love with her smile! One of my favorite pictures of the shooting year!

I have been doing pregnancy portraits for many years and I often look for new solutions, experiment with new points of view and different shots.
In this case, since I have a 5-meter high studio with a mezzanine, I wanted to try a shot from above and it turned out to be quite enough easy. I took care of every detail: the pose of the woman and the light: both the light direction and the lighting contrast. In post-production, I edited the background. At first, it was a very normal gray paper background so I added a texture. I was satisfied with the final result, It is a little different than the usual pregnancy portraits.

The BEST part about being a photographer is when your babies grow up and return later as an older sibling! This is a full circle moment right here....2 years ago I captured this little guy's newborn portraits, and my heart just about exploded when I just got to photograph him with his new baby sister.

Photographing love is always a privilege. Now add a bump to the equation and a couple excited to welcome their new baby and this happens!

As I am happy and grateful to you that my photo was chosen ..... COOL !!
Thank you!!
In the photo a little Arthur, he is 14 days old. Dear Baby, who was so eagerly awaited by Mom and Dad.

These darling sisters are always full of smiles, imagination, and fun. They are an absolute pleasure to capture and I look forward to documenting their childhood in every season.

"If she wants to sleep just let her"
Beautiful mother with her first little baby girl, 5-month-old... fell asleep in the middle of our session...
She looked like little Cinderella.

A beautiful, natural and really joyful moment caught by the lens. I love this picture especially because it is a moment between father and son.

Baby grace, I love taking photos of 6-8-month-olds. Their adorable rolls and big smiles just make the session so lovable and fun.

Scarlett at 8 months for her milk bath session. We have been photographing Scarlett since she was in the womb. We also customize every session for our clients to make it perfect. Scarlett's mom loves the woodsy flower theme and of course, needed to see her splash in the tub!

This photo is of my daughter preparing to be a big sister. She’s practicing with a doll for now, but she’ll be able to put her big sister skills to use with her real baby brother this summer!

"Make it simple but significant" Don Draper
I photographed this beautiful Italian pregnant woman in her first pregnancy.
She asked me to do what you think is best, with beauty and simplicity. And I said, "You do not need anything, just a pretty black high shoe."
And the photograph came out just like that, as she wanted.

Adorable little Evelina and two big bunnies. This photo was taken for an upcoming Easter and what a fun shoot it was, bunny chasing and all :)

In a family where there were 2 young boys, everyone hoped for a baby girl. When their wish finally came true, and their princess was born, I was lucky enough to take this photo on her 35th day.

To me, pregnancy is a period when a woman's body looks the most beautiful. I have always admired the way pregnant women look and I am more than thankful to have clients who share the same belief. I had a couple who felt so in love with this body transformation. With this picture, we encourage pregnant women all over the world to embrace their body transformation, to feel beautiful, full of passion and loved.

My youngest daughter has no desire to be photographed, and she is not afraid to make that known. But, her pouty expressions sometimes make the most adorable of portraits.

April showers bring May flowers... and this little girl was the sunshine that pulled it all together. When clients give me a blank canvas and allow me to do what I do best - it always makes for the most fun sets! Creating unique set designs for each one of my clients is what I love most and this set is definitely an all-time favorite of mine.

This beautiful little boy traveled really far to my studio so when Mum requested a bear theme I knew I had to come up with something really special for them. I'm naturally drawn to warm earthy tones and I love to create a story within each image.

This gorgeous mama was hoping for a magical backdrop to her portrait session. I love filling my work with fantasy, romance, and color. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did create it.

The parents of these three lovely girls had been waiting in suspense for their newborn baby. Because of complications that arose during the birth of one of their older daughters they made sure to enjoy the wonderful small moments with their children even more. It's wonderful to see how tender these girls are towards their baby sister!

The sweetest little second between an older sister and her baby brother. This photo embodies everything I love when photographing kids in general - natural and relaxed style, the sincerest emotions and moments to treasure.

Love, tranquility, friendship- three words perfectly describe this picture. This gorgeous girl has a great personality and a charming smile.
A beautiful moment captured in time...

Il pellerossa con le piume in testa
e con l’ascia di guerra in pugno stretta,
com’è finito tra le statuine
del presepe, pastori e pecorine,
e l’asinello, e i maghi sul cammello,
e le stelle ben disposte,
e la vecchina delle caldarroste?
Non è il tuo posto, via! Toro Seduto:
torna presto di dove sei venuto.
Ma l’indiano non sente. O fa l’indiano.
Se lo lasciamo, dite, fa lo stesso?
O darà noia agli angeli di gesso?
Forse è venuto fin qua,
ha fatto tanto viaggio,
perchè ha sentito il messaggio:
pace agli uomini di buona volontà.

Kids' games shape the men of tomorrow, they look at the world with curious and innocent eyes. Thanks to these games kids find out about the world, imitate adults, pretending to be explorers, aviators or anyone else...
So I thought to the set, as a child would have done, in this case, the child pretended to be an aviator, tomorrow perhaps he will be a doctor and the day after he will be a scientist. This is the children's world that step by step will contribute to make him the man of tomorrow.