Forty-Seventh Collection

This mother to be was a dancer. Her hands convey movement even while still. Grace and posture are perfection.

I had no idea his mother was going to bring this Native American headdress to his 9-month session but I am so glad she did! His father has heritage from the Pottawatomie Nation.

I photographed this wee man when he was 10 days old at his home, but there was a lack of room for a couple of shoots his mum wanted. She brought him to my studio at 6 weeks and we managed to get some fantastic shots.

The baby teddy bear is very active during this photoshoot, refused to sleep. But still, we capture his wide-awake eyes. He finally asleep after the last sessions and time for his milk.

This beautiful newborn boy was wide awake during the entire newborn shoot and was looking clearly around. But in the end, we took some pictures with his big brother Teun and Loek fell asleep in his arms ...

The delight to look at such a beautiful young mother! My heart sank with happiness and pride that I can touch the wonderful moments of this family's life.

This baby boy's mom and dad were both basketball players in their past and wanted to showcase that in one of their images. Little Cairo was absolutely a dream to work with and we had no trouble pulling off this pose!

She was 32 weeks pregnant and expecting her first baby. She had a little boy.
'There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.'

This tiny girl was born 6 weeks too early. After a difficult start in the hospital, she was ready to come into my studio.
And instead of using traditional pink, I decided to use yellow tones, the colour of hope. The result just made me smile!

The love that this beautiful big sister had for a new baby brother was magical, she was so gentle and caring towards him and he peaceful slept curled up in her arms. I was so delighted to capture it. Just adorable.

Thank you for selecting this image. Nothing is sweeter than a sleeping baby drifting off to dreamland while laying in her mother's mixing bowl. My client owns a local bakery and requested that various supplies from the business be used as a part of the props for her new born photoshoot.

This little girl's mom brought for her newborn session so cute fawn outfit, so I had to create for her something special. Spring has already come to Austria which was an opportunity to take advantage of it. I love this atmosphere in the photo!

This beautiful Mama lost her fur-baby the day before and was a little sad when she turned up for her session, but the makeup pamper helped her relax and feel good and she rocked her session with hubby standing by to do some fabric throwing for us which made us all giggle and laugh because he preferred a 'ready-set-go' countdown instead of my "3-2-1". Something we came to an agreement after quite a few tries in order for him to actually let go of the fabric.

Beautiful baby Lujza made me work really hard during her photo-session. She had such a light sleep and her mum was like just take the shot please before she wakes up. Asking why do we need her fingers straight, that she did not mind and why I want her face relaxed, when she just kept moving with every touch. But I knew that our patience will pay off.

Love without limits, my job was to find the exact moment when the magic happens.
It is fascinating to watch them together building trust and love.

Mostly what catches my attention when photographing children is their eyes.
This girl's eyes are so big and so expressive!
I love this photo!

A fox in a box. Creating images with meaning is my goal for every session. Mom really wanted a "fox Picture" to hang in their home. This little one was a little less than cooperative, but with a little work, we made it happen.

The Image planning was an experience itself, just before the rain blushes and spring arrives we came out to make Art in the big puddles, love that girl!

My sweet little boy favorite Book is "The lion that loves strawberry" (popular children's book in Israel)
He enjoyed the idea, by acting the character and he loves strawberry so much. He didn't believe that he could eat so many of them.

A lot of people get nervous in front of the camera, so I don’t pose a lot. I direct my clients, but I keep them moving, talking, and laughing so they let their guard down and really enjoy the shoot. In my opinion, this is my perfect posing for maternity!

This beautiful newborn name is yoav.
During the filming, he was so calm and relaxed. It was easy to pic him...
Yoav came into this world after a lot of expectation.... he is a third child to very adorable parents. ♥️

It is wonderful to see how beautiful our mothers are, even more, when the wait is double, they leave us unforgettable teaching for the rest of mortals, there is no greater challenge than to conceive, life.

The friendship between brother and sister is not a matter, of course, it is a blessing and gift for all parents.
And this pair, Ariel and Jonathan, are an integral pair. She loves to pose, very lady and very much loves the camera and is the most fun of them, slipping away from the lens, moving and lively.

It was the mother of this little kiddo who wanted to do a Harry Potter shoot and that's my first try on harry, potter. Not just me, not just his mom, but everyone loved the output. I had to get everything ready in a day for this which was worth the effort! I was overwhelming with the aww people reacted to this image, indeed a push to create more and do more ❤️

My daughter Aurora is just 3 years old and loves to sing. We were preparing the shoot and she just took the guitar and started to sing her original song: "Have to see me again, have to see me again!" :). That was sooo funny. We wanted to memorize it.

The sweetest little bear! Baby Kasyn was an alert little guy at 3 weeks old but eventually, my persistence paid off and I was able to capture some adorable images for his family.

Très jolie femme enceinte de 7 mois ,je voulais quelque chose d'épurer et élégant rien de mieux que ce body dentelle noir sur un fond noir, et ce jolie tatouage pour finir cette photo toute en élégance.

This sweet little bee was this family's miracle baby. Like most women, his mama dreamed of becoming a mother her whole life. Playing with baby dolls when she was younger, she dreamed of being a mom one day. Sadly, she had a really bad ruptured appendix when she was younger and it created scar tissue around her tubes making it impossible for her to become pregnant naturally. She and her husband went to Dr. Shamma in Michigan and he was able to make her dreams come true and now she has this sweet little man. I am so happy I was able to capture her miracle baby with gorgeous newborn portraits!