Forty-Second Collection

Days of early fall, the orange days give their signal in the fields. A little baby and a bear in a moment of genuine and heartfelt emotion.

Taking photos is also a lot of fun together! Certainly with these 2 sweet sisters on a wonderful evening. It is gold that sparkles.

There is no greater miracle than having a life growing inside you. Sometimes live gifts us with these wonderful moments in which I can capture the live miracle.

This image and its colors herald the coming of the fall, colors of regeneration, something optimistic, hope, feeling safe just like the daughter in her mother's arms.

George was a lovely young man with a very pensive, old soul. He sat so patiently through his shoot with his brothers. I just loved this particular shot as it really captured his calm and kind nature.

KayLynn! We were playing peek-a-boo in the zinnias at sunset. She is always running, playing, and giggling during our sessions but this was one of those moments that I caught one of her shy smiles. She is such a beauty.

35 weeks of pregnancy. In this photo, a beautiful young expectant mother is waiting for a newborn baby.
Pregnancy is the best time to enjoy it to the fullest.
Pregnancy lasts only 9 months, and after giving birth and you don’t remember what a tummy it was!
You know how interesting then look at your "pregnant" photos and wonder how a little man lived and grew in you.

I invited my neighborhood friends over to try out a new idea. I am so happy with the results! The only lighting used here is the tree!

Two young women gathering apples and enjoy the season of fall. Their bounty is why the world has a bright peaceful future as intended by the creator.

This photo is so special to me in more ways than one.
Whilst on holiday visiting my daughters in Australia I came across this disused railway lines and station. Straight away I had an image in my head of what I wanted to create. Off I went to the local charity shops to see if I could find an old suitcase. Unfortunately, they didn't have any. The annoying thing is I have some at home in the UK (no good to me in Australia!). In the last charity shop, I asked one of the volunteers if they had any and explained what I wanted it for. The lovely lady named Maureen said she had one at home and I could borrow it! I was so overwhelmed by her gesture to offer her mother an old leather suitcase to me, a complete stranger. How wonderful is it that you can travel to the other side of the world and meet some genuine and thoughtful people. Helped by my with 2-year-old granddaughter Willow. we created this beautiful photo.

Sometimes it is very difficult to pick a photo for a contest. I choose photos for a few days, then I need to send my friends a question: Which one? I'm considering again ...
And sometimes, after a photo session, when you transfer photos to your computer, you understand - this one!
It happened this time too :)

Purple is one of my favorite colors to use in newborn photography. I found this scrap material a few years ago and finally found the perfect backdrop to match. Working with parents, I get to learn their wants. When this mama mentioned her favorite color is purple, I knew it was meant to be.

Beautiful little Noah kept giving me smiles throughout his session. And these overalls on him made my heart explode. There is something so very cute about little boys in overalls!

Well, this is Or. she is 3 years old and she loves the camera but only for a few minutes :)
She gave me 10 minutes max and then said "I'm done"... so this picture is all about Quality over Quantity.

Sweet Ellianna! She was peeking out the window at a puppy in the apple orchard and I caught just the cutest moment of her right before she waved to him. She is always just a joy to photograph and so natural behind the lens.

This is my sweet friend. She came to my studio for her maternity photos. She brought along another friend of ours to help "toss" the fabric. We had a great time and I got to try out a new lighting technique.

Treasuring every precious moment with her beautiful new baby girl. The youngest of her 3 children - little Zahra. How special this image will be to little Zahra as she gets older. So tiny in Mummy's hands.

The sisters Emma & Or went out to collect pieces of cotton in a big field.
To capture the bond between them on camera is magical. one is helping another. Sisterhood.

This is my little guy pretending to be on the Polar Express. I told him to make the face he would make if he saw the REAL Santa Claus. He did not disappoint! He is always such a trooper when I ask him to help me set-up for ideas I have. I could never ask for a better helper!