Fifty-Second Collection

My beautiful son inspires me, he has that wildness, curiosity, hunger to explore and wants to be free. This image represents a part of his exploring soul in a vintage way and every detail in the photo has a meaning...

My little daughter Aurora loves to play a princess and I asked her to pose for me so I could take a picture of her with this beautiful blue dress.

I take a picture of her cousin when she started running in the wheat fields as if she were alone in the world a magical and perfect moment.

Rosi. I came to the studio with a very small belly, scared to be exposed in the middle of the pandemic. We took some beautiful photos and she was more than happy.

In Canada, Alberta we have beautiful Canola fields in July and as you drive by the countryside - all you see are fields and fields of beautiful yellow flowers. What can be better than 3 sweet sisters on a dirt road surrounded by Canola field flowers and a sunset? This photo was inspired by my friend's @HocusFocusPhotography portrait of her daughters she took a few years back. Check out her work - she is amazing!

Always very happy when I can share photos of pregnant women .. so fragile so beautiful such a special time...A tangible reminder of a special period in your life.

I had the privilege to see this baby boy growing every year. Amazing to see how he has changed starting from his newborn session. But something remains the same. His unbelievable eyes and look. Perfect model. :)

Thank you for being with you again! Photo of mom and newborn baby. As a whole!!! Emotions of a mom showing the baby!!! They smile together. It's so cute.

Fine Art Children's Portrait, I love this picture so much...the light and the look of the girl's face. The whole simple setup is what I like. This girl is a friend of my daughter so it was an extra fun thing to do!

I absolutely loved photographing this beautiful couple. So honored to record this magical time for them. We had such a lovely afternoon in the gorgeous wildflower field. Everything was perfect, the lighting, the field, her beautiful bump. Since this photo they have welcomed two beautiful little girls, I can't wait to photograph them all next week.

This shot was taken at my studio in Switzerland. Mom was 32 weeks pregnant. I have taken a lot of shots but this one is the most beautiful in my opinion. This kind of editing made the mother's complexion stand out. The shot is backlit, the background was inserted during editing.
Questo scatto é stato eseguito presso il mio Studio, in Svizzera. La mamma era all 32 settimana di gravidanza. Ho eseguito molti scatti ma questa secondo me é la più bella. questo tipo di editing ha fatto risaltare l'incarnato della mamma. Lo scatto é un retroilluminato, lo sfondo é stato inserito durante l'editing.

Due to COVID, we had to wait a bit longer before doing little Ava's newborn session. She was already 6 weeks old by the time we could finally open up and do a session with extra safety measures. She was super awake and adorable and eventually fell asleep and we got some sleepy newborn photos.

I always wanted to do this picture with the watermelon, of course, I tried it with my daughter and from the moment she touched the watermelon she didn't stop crying ... and then this princess came and did it perfectly!

Mom had asked for an Easter/Earth Day themed session because the baby was going to be arriving close to that timeframe... and then RONA happened... and we weren't able to photograph this little fella until a month later! I must say... he did such a great job snoozing away even at almost 1-month-old! Cutest little bunny ever.

Thank you for this special award. This beautiful woman's name is Haanen she was 8 months pregnant When I took this shot. She loves taking photos and the camera loves her. I wanted to do something deferent so I ask from her to “hold” her baby image with her teeth. My inspiration for this shot was: “I was waiting so long to get pregnant“. Thank you for choosing my pic.

We cannot be more proud of our communication kids, because it is a very important moment in their lives, and in these delicate times that we are living, even more, it is being done in a very special and sentimental way, together with the families and their environment. closer, making these complicated moments of our 2020 more emotional and precious, for us it is a privilege to make it special.

This was my first experience photographing a one-year-old baby and I am very pleased with her artistry and desire to pose. Thanks to her mom too for taking part in this photoshoot.

These two are inseparable. A couple of good friends are born together and do everything together. Like Brothers. Even more...inseparable.

Sunset maternity sessions in a Kansas field are so beautiful. This Momma nailed the pose while Dad had the perfect fabric toss! Our first session was cut short by storms but we made up for it with this amazing maternity session!

This beautiful boy is my own son. He loves to stand for the camera. What could be better than my beautiful boy and my favorite flowers?

What could be better than a new life? And portraying that is a fantastic job. I like the babies' facial expressions. They are so cute and don't know it themselves yet...This baby boy don 't want to sleep at the beginning but is was so tired...

Details are my favorite part of family photography. Big Sis loves her new baby brother. He’s still in that “sugar those toes” stage which we all know they grow out of too soon. I’m so happy I could capture this sweet interaction.

This beautiful boy is my own son. He loves to stand for the camera. And I love to take pictures of him. I cherish all these moments I capture of him.

Summer, beach, sand, and sunset...the perfect combination for moments like this! How I love this complicity between the two of them!

I saw the foggy grass on this field and knew I had to make some shots. The chance came when I got to photograph this little girl. With some clothes from my client closet the picture was complete.

Leeor Neev. 'When mommy is behind the camera and calling me, I can not see her face but I know she is there, up close.' In this image, I photographed my little one, at the age of 17 months. The innocent and sweet look that captures my heart every time. My little girl's portrait.

Couché de soleil romantique dans les lavandes du Sud de la France...3 petites princesses patientent tranquillement dans le ventre de maman...

As a photographer, I found that taking pictures of my own kids is the hardest, they never agree to cooperate with me:) Those are my beautiful kids, Omri, Gefen, and Ethan.

As the couple came to me we had the fantastic idea to use gummy bears on the belly - what an exciting challenge. We tried several times to get the right moment. And I swear we didn`t use any hot glue. It was just spittle of the daddy.